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Healing Through Poetry

State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Discover poetry's therapeutic potential with Samantha Melia. Engage in writing exercises designed to promote healing and self-discovery at NW Room SLWA.


Translating Blind

State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Pretend to translate poems from unknown languages with Judith Huang. Use cognates and imagination to create new poems at NW Room SLWA.



Alister Yiap Gallery 6 / 191 Bulwer Street, Perth, Australia

Explore marine-inspired art and poetry at Tineke Van Der Eecken's exhibition. Delve into ekphrasis at Alister Yiap Gallery.


Writing Vulnerably

WA Poets Inc. Office 80 Barrack Street, Perth, Australia

Embrace vulnerability in writing with Paul Kohn. Engage in exercises to write authentically and connect deeply with readers at WA Poets Inc Office.



State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Create collaborative poems with Beth Kirkland and Maree Dawes. Explore intuitive prose poetry and watercolour highlighting at NW Room SLWA.


Forming / Transforming

State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Explore poetic transformation with Willo Drummond. Engage in creative exercises to break down and rebuild poetry at NW Room SLWA.


Poetry in Motion

State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Discover the rhythm of poetic expression with Sari Bennett. Focus on movement, performance, and embodiment of poetry at NW Room SLWA.


Writing as an Act of Hope

State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Explore the power of writing to inspire and heal with Reneé Pettitt-Schipp. Engage in resilience-building exercises at NW Room SLWA.


Coming to Nothing

State Library of WA 25 Francis Street, Perth, Australia

Transform the concept of nothingness into creative expression with Morgan Yasbincek. Delve into poetic exercises at NW Room SLWA.


Poetry at the Heart of Community

The Wetlands Centre Cockburn 184 Hope Rd, Bibra Lake, Australia

Explore the interplay between nature and art with a range of presenters at The Wetlands Centre Cockburn. A full-day seminar on poetic expression.
